Thursday, May 30, 2013

MGTOW flurry.

The MGOTWs have returned. Even after vowing to never read here again. They can't help themselves. Truth is addictive. There is a reason this site gets so much attention. There is a reason that what I say hurts at the core for the MGTOW losers. They don't like losing. They hate it. They aren't willing to change though. They want me to just shut up about what losers they are. They don't want solutions. Sloth is deeply imbedded with them. You will never break them out of it with out addressing it head on.

Real men don't care what the odds of success are. If one man has done it, then I can. No one cares who ran a four minute mile second. No one cares who climbed the Himalayas second. But, once one guy did it, then real men know it can be done. They don't whine about their wives/girlfriends support when doing it. They just do it...because it has been done before and can be done again.

If it is worth doing and a real man has done it before, then I/any-real-man can do it. The only defense I have ever heard from MGTOWs for what they do is either about money or hurt feelings. Neither of which are things that God cares about. You display weakness when doing this. You are no man that I want on my side when the SHTF. Molly Pitcher would be more able at my side. You are a coward.

Why you don't have a wife/girlfriend.

Dragon Slaying

I'm referring to whiny bitches #1 and whiny bitches #2 (in the comments).


  1. My second maybe third time here, do you always sound like a taunting first grader?

    1. No, I sound like a man trying to help you through your emotional turmoil. If you don't like it, quit reading. I'm not looking for losers. I have always looked for those willing to win. That requires change. You don't want to change, then move on and find comfort in your MGTOW community. Real men call those groups gay bars.

      I don't care about the bottom half of men. They don't matter. They never have mattered. Real men put themselves higher than that. When muslims stop stealing Christian women, we can talk about your emotional issues. Until then, you need to grow a pair of testicles.

    2. You need to rinse the sand out of your vagina. You rant like he-bitch so obviously you will need to get the last words in. No problem I'll just go to Vox, Elusive Wapiti or Dalrock's for real men capable of discussion instead of the grade school taunts and veiled hysterics, hiding behind the big macho, real man, sanctimonious one liners that you repeat over and over and over. What a pathetic bore.
      Go ahead you need to have your little say now Blowhard.

    3. Why is it so hard for you to look away? It's because the Truth hurts. The whining is non-stop with these MGTOW gammas. Feel free to address your whining on those sites. The real men there will tell you the same thing. I linked discussions in which that happens.

  2. All anonymous comments will be redirected to the spam file. If you've got something to say, pick a flippin' name.

    1. You and your drama queen husband read what I wrote. It was true and you both knew it, on some level. Nobody else needed to read it. I didn't need to drag my personality into it. Just the truth speaking for itself. Delete this one too, I don't care. Can't handle criticism on your own blog? Pathetic.

      You can't bark at men and talk down to them if they don't already look up to you. They write you off as a clown. Rlb's just barking to hear himself bark. Sad little pooch. No man with any sense gives orders that will be ignored. Nothing loses you respect faster than that, and any man who knows men knows that. Talk to men like men, earn respect, and they may listen.


    2. Ta. - is this the name you're choosing? Your rant under the anonymous name means nothing. How could it? I submit to one man only and subsequently those whom he submits to. I moderate this blog during the times he's unavailable. He told me to move anonymous comments to the spam file. He's been pretty clear in other comments that names should be chosen.

      Now, if you have a moniker that we recognize and it has been demonstrated that you've actually read anything else on this blog and you'd like to debate an issue, we welcome that. I have no issue with criticism. Ankle biting, trolling, and whining are not worth anything and waste his time. I will continue to be the gatekeeper of that.

      What you fail to recognize is that my complete agreement with my husband, my submission to him, my defense of him and his honor, is the precise thing MGTOWs claim will not exist in marriage. As a wife, if you talk shit about my husband and I'm the one moderating, of course I delete it. I do not allow people in my home who disrespect my husband, it certainly isn't going to happen on a blog from strangers.

      Your assessment of my husband is wrong and, if you'd take the time to read anything else I've written, the only conclusion you would be able to make is somehow this manner of his is exactly what has provided for him a devoted wife of 18 years who is his Molly Pitcher as was referenced in the OP.

      Imagine that, a wife like me, so "on his team" that his every utterance is supported by me. I never question him. When I can control it, I do not allow lesser men even in his presence. I control the atmosphere in our home, it is a sanctuary and a reprieve for him. It will not be disturbed by those unworthy.

      RLB does not consider anyone who doesn't respect him. If you don't desire what he has, big deal, move on, this isn't the blog for you. But do not complain about the state of marriage when a man like my husband has offered the truth of what keeps his marriage vertically aligned to such an extent that his wife would never consider a contradictory word to his. The fruit on his tree is evident of God's provision. It is overwhelming at times. I'd be a fool to consider any man as anything other than lesser if he should write disrespectful words about my husband.

  3. You are very hormonal.

  4. I admire those willing to jump into the fray. I can only assume you have both moved past ever expecting appreciation ;)

    1. Carlotta,
      For me, what is so absolutely absurd (and telling) about these guys is their desire for women to change or at least learn to control their nature, yet where are all of the supportive comments on every post I have advising just that? Crickets. Just a knee jerk reaction to these posts. Because it is so much more enticing for this type of male (much like women) to moan and complain and carry on with the drama.

      I could care less if they GTOW, just shut up and go already. We've learned a lot about this group of men and it even more confirms our perspective. As business owners, these are not the men that should be hired. As parents, these are the men that our children should steer clear from. A losing mentality is contagious - I want none of it in my home.

  5. I think most of them don't read much and think Redlegben is really you. They would find out he is not if they bothered to read. They thrive on personal insults though, just like many of those online.

    1. I don't mind the insults because they don't stick. There is no truth in their words. The reason they can't tear their eyes off of our posting is because it hurts and sticks to them. Feminists hate being called out on their gluttony and MGTOWs hate being called out on their sloth.

      If we didn't say it...the rocks would talk.

  6. For me, I rather get a kick out of the commenters, the whiners on the blogs all over the place (in the feminist blogs as well as the Red Pill blogs and the gamer blogs.)

    It can be hard to stomach SOME of the comments, like those that brag about their notches in the red-pill blogs (it is soooo hard to read through a post that is supposed to be about men learning to avoid the pitfalls of crazy women, only to have crazy men bragging about banging multiple women in one night...
    I'm glad there are blogs like this, and blogs like Athols where *most of the time* the commenters have decent replies. But I'll still read the others just for kicks...

  7. I had to look up the expression MGTOW to see what you are talking about. It is defined as such:

    MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way. MGTOW is basically the statement of self-ownership and saying that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be.

    Self-ownership, that is, the ownership of one's own life and body, is the foundation of individual liberty and a free society. It is the most basic of private property rights. There is nothing without such freedom. I fail to see anything objectionable or offensive about this.

  8. basically the statement of self-ownership and saying that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be.

    This used to describe the essence of what it is to be a man. Sadly most of those who vocally represent this movement in the manosphere seem anything but as is clear by their blog comments and behavior.

  9. "It can be hard to stomach SOME of the comments, like those that brag about their notches in the red-pill blogs (it is soooo hard to read through a post that is supposed to be about men learning to avoid the pitfalls of crazy women, only to have crazy men bragging about banging multiple women in one night..."

    I'm several days behind in reading, but this is what set me off in late February at AG. I'd been browsing somewhere (AG had a post on Beta's which probably led me somewhere else), reading men's comments about women's degenerate, slutty, worthlessness, then alternately reading comments about men's amazing conquering sexcapades. I was confused about Game versus PUA and MGTOW.

    Gee. It took long enough, the fog is lifting . . .

  10. Exactly, Loweenie! I read through those blogs because *some of the time* they have insight and legitimate complaints that I want to read through and take heed!
    As a woman, I want to learn, and I think the best way to learn is to hear directly from men.
    But having to weed through the notches and Pick-up tips (there was actualy one post that bragged how he'd rate/choose when to/not to use a condom!!) The only thing I wanted to do was write in the the binding criteria for not using a condom: (a) are you both virgins, (b) have you both been tested and are showing each other the legit results, (c) are you married to each other, (d) do you want kids? ALL 4 must be yes!! (Hint, his criteria were NOTHING like these)
    Yes, yes, yes, there are whiners on the women's blogs too (here I am one of them :-)
    But seeing for myself that men like this exist and are teaching other men this "game" makes me want to write into them and blast them every single time. (like an angry mother, so instead I just click the "x" box on the top right and move on! It is the the only sane thing to do for me at least...)

  11. Wow. You are very serious about the marriage thing. @_@


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