Monday, April 1, 2013

Zombie bait

I am constantly amazed at how people look down on me when I tell them I'm a Christian, I don't know if the Earth is 5,000 years old or 5 million years old, or evolution is provable or not. I'm a physicist. I have studied a ridiculous amount of science and philosophy. The audacity of leftists is fascinating to me.

I enjoy setting these morons up for my logical Battle of the Little Bighorn. It is quite entertaining to me. Mental midgets squawking the latest PC BS. Yet at some point, you have to realize that the majority of people are ignorant. And, there is no way to break through their lunacy. It depresses me. It is exceptionally upsetting to me because there are people I love that can't defend their viewpoints against the leftist idiots.

How shall I describe the leftist idiot? They are college educated in a non-scientific field. They are culturally aware because they spent spring break in Mexico. They did a missionary trip to Africa for two weeks and had sex with the natives, but saw naked kids that smiled when they were there. They have a car that requires more burning of fossil fuels for electricity than a traditional internal combustion engine. SWPL-Stuff White People Like. They are completely incapable of understanding anything but a first world problem. The populace of the capital in The Hunger Games is oh so apropos. No fricking clue. Zombie bait.


  1. That last paragraph.... pure awesome. I know so many people like that ;)

  2. Put "Zombie"in as a tag. The people that show up here will add flair.

  3. Those who show up having searched for "shiny boobs" don't comment - I bet they'd add flair too.

  4. Ancient wisdom

    "Those who search for shiny boobs lack, themselves, polish"

  5. @Sarah

    Watch Dawn of the dead by George A. Romero. Imagine the zombies of the movie are liberals. Then tell me if the zombie apocalypse hasn't already occurred.

    1. I wrote this post with exactly that type of intent. Our children recently watched that movie. They see the correlation between the zombies and mindless liberalism, not to mention the mindless neo-cons as well. "We must have no morals." "We must force freedom on others." It's all very Borg-like.

  6. Resistance is futile

    1. what evil tells us. Lot's saviors said otherwise. Plenty of examples, in the Bible, of resistance not being futile.


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